Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Week 13

Hola a todos!

I´ve been in Chile for three months. I´m coming home in two more. Hmph. I feel like time is flying and there isn´t enough left. A semester is, contrary to what Asher says, SUPER short. This week my big accomplishment was taking a micro by myself to Viña. A micro is a small bus that doesn´t go very long distances and I took one all by myself to the CITY and saw a movie with some exchange friends. I was very proud of myself, taking public transportation without getting lost or anything. Micros are not very comfortable. They´re like big buses only little, and if there aren´t enough seats you just stand in the aisle. It´s very tight and pretty much a breeding ground for the piggy flu. Oh well. My slightly smaller accomplishment took place when we went to see the movie. We saw Vicky Cristina Barcelona, which was pretty good, and although most of it was in English with subtitles there was some that was in Spanish with no subtitles and I could pretty much understand all the Spanish. It was very exciting. Speaking of accomplishments in Spanish, I had to read and take a test on Old Spanish poetry and I think I did okay, considering that it´s ANTIQUE SPANISH or however you say it. Ooooh, I had my first dream in Spanish!! Well, it was partially in Spanish. Okay, this is what I remember: I was walking through this city in the US and these guys started harrassing me so I started cursing them out in Chilean Spanish and someone (I don´t know who) goes "oh...Chilean". It was pretty cool.
This week has been a bit of a drag. Lots of school work! The highlight was Saturday night, when my little sisters and I had una noche de chicas. We dressed up and did each other´s hair and did a fotoshoot. It was really fun. I love my sisters. I bought a new camera because my old one is sketchy and doesn´t always work. My new one is pretty cool. I had to pay for it in cash and felt sort of like a criminal.
Let´s see...what else? I think I might have accidently tried out for a semi-pro women´s soccer team. Some of the girls I play soccer with on Saturdays and I were invited to Stgo to practice with a semi-pro women´s team associated with La U, one of the top pro teams. I didn´t really realize it was a semi-pro team or that it was a tryout (I´m still not quite sure if it was or not). Anyways, Carla, Dani and I went on Wednesday afternoon after school got out. We took the bus there. The girls were wicked good. I wasn´t sure what to expect because the Chilean girls I´d seen before were pretty bad but these girls were really good. They were between 17-20s, I think. Anyways, the new girls trained together and the veterans trained together. The coach was tough. She was this tiny, fierce looking woman who was a bit sharp but I liked her. My skills and fitness right now are horrible. I mean, horrible. It´s a bit embarrassing. I want to join a gym here but I´ve been procrastinating. It was cool getting to see another side of the women´s soccer in Chile though. It was fun taking the bus to Stgo too. I´m not crazy about Stgo. but I like seeing different parts of the country. They have Starbucks in Stgo. It´s funny. I want to go to a McDonalds here and see what the food´s like but I never eat at McDonalds at home so I have nothing to compare it to.
So that´s about it I think. I´m feeling a bit spacy so I don´t have a ton to say this week.

Hope everyone´s doing well!
Much love,

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